Technology around you.
The Round, a brand founded by Mirko Compagno and Marco Pesci, is made up of a group of researchers who are experts in information technology and digital technologies. Thanks to its founders, The Round has started, among the first in Italy, to create products – and then services – in Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality since 2009, following the continuous evolution of techniques, methodologies and tools.
Progressively the conformation of the The Round team has expanded including computer experts in different areas: extended reality, Web Development, Augmented Communication, Project Management, Data Analysis and Data Management, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Training.
The Round has been collaborating for years with important companies engaged in Advanced Research and in the Development of Engineering and Computer Products and Services for the various business areas: Cultural Heritage, Health, Transportation, Industry, Defense, Telecommunications, Aerospace, Education, Agriculture.
Since 2017 The Round has been co-operating with Intech microwaves as their “eXtended Reality” division. Our team has reached extensive expertise in developing integrated online and offline communication strategies, planning and creating events, and training courses for institutions, firms, and professionals. The projects are developed with the specific objective of ensuring companies a significant return on investments and a real enhancement of their image, while also strengthening their activities through advanced communication and technological solutions.
Our Process
eXtended Reality
XR encompasses all immersive technologies which expand our real world and combine it with virtual elements. It is a mode of interaction which includes augmented reality, virtual reality and mixed reality.
Augmented Reality
Virtual Reality
Mixed reality
Multimodal and Natural Interaction
Natural User Interface design
Human-Computer Interaction
A discipline dealing with the design, evaluation and implementation of interactive computing systems for human use and with the study of the major phenomena surrounding them.
Elearning 4.0
We have been producing e-learning contents for large companies, SMEs and training institutions for 20 years. By the term e-learning 4.0 we mean a new generation of such contents in which some of the enabling technologies of Industry 4.0 such as augmented reality and 3D printing are implemented.
Course Creation
Strategy Consulting
Marketing 4.0
Thanks to Marketing 4.0, companies can relate to customers by creating a more emotional connection and by exploiting a multi-channel communication. Corporate blogs, social networks, online sharing platforms emphasize that increasingly direct relationship between offer and request.
eXtended Reality
XR encompasses all immersive technologies which expand our real world and combine it with virtual elements. It is a mode of interaction which includes augmented reality, virtual reality and mixed reality.
Augmented Reality
Virtual Reality
Mixed reality
Human-Computer Interaction
A discipline dealing with the design, evaluation and implementation of interactive computing systems for human use and with the study of the major phenomena surrounding them.
Multimodal and Natural Interaction
Natural User Interface design
Elearning 4.0
We have been producing e-learning contents for large companies, SMEs and training institutions for 20 years. By the term e-learning 4.0 we mean a new generation of such contents in which some of the enabling technologies of Industry 4.0 such as augmented reality and 3D printing are implemented.
Course Creation
Strategy Consulting
Marketing 4.0
Thanks to Marketing 4.0, companies can relate to customers by creating a more emotional connection and by exploiting a multi-channel communication. Corporate blogs, social networks, online sharing platforms emphasize that increasingly direct relationship between offer and request.
Ready to Start a Project?
ContactINDUSTRY 4.0
Simple, Fast, Wow.
Business Model & Process
Technology is not enough to transform your organization into a Business 4.0: it is necessary to review the Business Model of the Company, to analyze and direct the Business Processes to become effective in the new ways of working, modify the Communication Processes in order to increase effectiveness along with the attention, loyalty, trust and confidence of Customers, implement orientation and training programs for Personnel. These are the real key factors for the success of innovation.
We analyze, together with you, how to carry out the transition to Industry 4.0 with sustainable costs, safeguarding the previous investments, returning the new investments, increasing the revenues in the shortest possible time. We do this by providing the most suitable technological solutions to achieve these objectives, together with the strategic and operational ones in order to harmonize your business model, organization and processes with the changes taking place.
News on Augmented, Mixed and Virtual Reality
Come navigare StreetView in realtà virtuale
Volete girare il mondo senza muovervi da casa? Youtopia ha la soluzione pronta per voi. E per giunta è gratis! Si chiama StreetView VR, e usa i dati provenienti da Google StreetView per permettere agli utenti di esplorare i luoghi di tutto il pianeta grazie a...
Augmented Reality and the opportunity for commercial printers
Here, author Sarah Mannone explains the popularity of Augmented Reality (AR) and how a commercial printer can add value to his or her existing print products and services using the technology. Mannone is Vice President of Client Services at Trekk, a multi-channel...
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Realtà aumentata per le videochiamate
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Il Caos Management N°102 Gennaio 2016
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