Ott 1, 2015 | News on Augmented, Mixed and Virtual Reality

The mixed reality technology refers to a system that combines the real and virtual world and is able to present them together on a single display. It is a multi-disciplinary field involving computer graphics, signal processing, mobile computing, user interfaces, information visualization, and the design of displays and sensors. The mixed reality systems are applied in a wide range of applications including industrial, medical, aerospace & defense, and architecture among others. Moreover, mixed reality systems can be used as a tool for quicker evaluation of design and operability, which helps reduce the number of prototypes required and also contributes towards minimizing the costs.
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The global mixed reality market has been segmented based on component, device, application, and geography. It has been segmented based on component into hardware and software, whereas it has been categorized based on device into head-mounted (wired) and head-mounted (wireless) display devices.
The studied market has been segmented based on application into industrial, aerospace & defense, medical, architecture, and consumer among others. The mixed reality market has also been segmented on the basis of geography into North America, Europe, APAC, and RoW.
The global mixed reality market is expected to reach USD 453.4 million by 2020, growing at a CAGR of 75.2% between 2016 and 2020. Among all applications, the market for the industrial application is expected to grow at the highest rate. It is expected to lead the global mixed reality market and is projected to be worth USD 185.5 million by 2020, due to the increase in the number of new product launches specifically catering to various industrial needs such as engineering, design, and maintenance & inspection among others. North America is estimated to hold the largest share of the studied market till 2020.
Some of the factors affecting the growth of this market include the rapid technological advancements in the reality technology and growing adoption of these technologies such as mixed and augmented in the region by various companies.
See on – Augmented World
Ott 1, 2015 | News on Augmented, Mixed and Virtual Reality

La prima sigla indica l’insieme di Social media, Mobile, Analytics e Cloud, la seconda la combinazione hardware che comprende Wearable, Augmented reality, Senses, internet of Things ed Energia. Ed entrambe, spiega il VP Innovation Supply Chain del colosso delle spedizioni, stanno aiutando a estendere il concetto di gestione della catena logistica fino al consumatore finale.
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Come sono cambiati i modelli di business e le relazioni con i clienti in seguito alla rivoluzione digitale? Quali gli effetti nella catena di approvvigionamento (supply chain)? Damian Pike, Vicepresidente Innovation Supply Chain di DHL, indica due trend principali che guidano il rapporto delle aziende con i loro clienti, uno connesso al mondo software e l’altro a quello hardware.
Durante un evento organizzato a Londra da CA Technologies, per la presentazione della ricerca The Battle for Competitive Advantage in the Application Economy, Pike ha spiegato come quanto profondamente le macrotendenze definibili come SMAC (Social media, Mobile, Analytics e Cloud) e WASTE (Wearable, Augmented reality, Senses, ovvero percezioni artificiali, internet of Things ed Energia) incidono nella supply chain delle aziende nell’era digitale.
«Tutte le attività rivolte direttamente al cliente producono flussi di dati che possono essere trasformati in valore di business.
Guardando tra i nostri clienti, ad esempio, le compagnie aeree usano gli analytics per capire quali tipi di pasti sono richiesti a bordo. Dall’incrocio di informazioni provenienti da diversi canali, quali i social media, gli smartphone, le carte fedeltà, i siti web, i Cloud, si crea un patrimonio informativo da cui si possono trarre vantaggi competitivi nel rapporto con il cliente».
È necessario considerare che se ognuna delle forze in gioco nello SMAC ha già un forte impatto nei nuovi modelli di business, tutte insieme hanno un potere in grado di rivoluzionare le procedure e l’intera supply chain, sottolinea Pike.
Il secondo trend, WASTE, è connesso con il mondo hardware, ed ha la capacità di migliorare l’efficienza delle operazioni logistiche. «Uno dei vantaggi dell’application economy è che ci consente di lavorare più a stretto contatto con i consumatori in tutte le nostre operazioni e nelle scelte strategiche.
Ci aiuta a far diventare la supply chain caratterizzata da un approccio end-to-end, in maggior contatto con i clienti. Per i produttori di elettronica di consumo, ad esempio, tutto questo significa migrare da una concezione B2C a una B2B, e la supply chain può accelerare questo passaggio».
Pike ha parlato di «software mentality», in grado di aumentare efficienza e sicurezza. Nell’era di internet, il passaggio a un modello business-to-business è stato quasi automatico per molte imprese. Come conseguenza, anche il ruolo della logistica e dei servizi in generale è stato enfatizzato, spingendo le aziende a cercare performance sempre migliori in efficienza, qualità, velocità e flessibilità, non soltanto per la distribuzione finale, ma per l’intera supply chain.
See on – Augmented World
Ott 1, 2015 | News on Augmented, Mixed and Virtual Reality

UE e Cina firmano accordo per sviluppare la rete 5G entro il 2020. Il 5G viene descritto come un modo per sviluppare servizi più innovativi in ambito industriale oltre le Telco, spaziando dai servizi per driverless cars a Internet of Things (IoT)
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Unione europea (UE) e Cina siglano un’intesa per sviluppare la rete 5G entro il 2020. L’accordo, firmato da Günther Oettinger, commissario europeo con la competenza dell’Agenda digitale, e Miao Wei, il ministro cinese dell’Industria e dell’Information Technology, rappresenta l’apice del dialogo ad alto livello economico e commerciale, in corso a Pechino. La Commissione Ue è consapevole che in futuro tutti utilizzeranno il 5G, la nuova generazione delle reti di comunicazione.
Secondo Bruxelles, entro il 2020, il traffico via internet sulla rete mobile sarà 30 volte superiore rispetto a quello del 2010. Il traffico sulla rete 5G sarà molto più veloce, ma soprattutto sarà l’autostrada digitale per un’economia digitale valutata un trilione di euro, grazie ai collegamenti con le auto (self-driving cars e connected cars) e le case Smart.
Solo guardando al futuro dell’industria automobilistica con le self-driving cars e alla diffusione di IoT, è possibile trovare le motivazioni che giustifichino il costoso sviluppo del 5G. Del resto, dal 2020 il mercato IoT triplicherà, mentre le smart car rappresentano un mercato che vale 9 miliardi e mezzo di euro.
Il 5G viene descritto come un modo per sviluppare servizi più innovativi in ambito industriale oltre le Telco, spaziando dai servizi per driverless cars a Internet of Things (IoT).
Juniper Research stima che i ricavi mondiali associati ai servizi 5G passeranno da a 100 milioni nel 2020 a 65 milardi di dollari nel 2025.
See on – Augmented World
Set 29, 2015 | News on Augmented, Mixed and Virtual Reality

The Global Augmented Reality Market 2015-2019 report is a 104 pages new research report and provides 15 Exhibits to support the market research. Global Augmented Reality Market report covers the overall ecosystem of the market, including augmented reality engine, augmented reality software applications, and augmented reality hardware such as smart glasses and HMDs.
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Augmented reality market to grow at 88% CAGR worldwide from 2014 to 2019 according to new research report
Augmented reality is an emerging technology that permits the overlay of computer graphics on the real world. It includes scanning the physical real-world environment and enhancing/augmenting it by adding virtual computer-generated information.
End-users can make use of this technology through applications developed for mobile devices. It involves blending digital content with the physical world. The analysts forecast global augmented reality market to grow at a CAGR of 88.5% over the period 2014-2019.
See on – Augmented World
Set 29, 2015 | News on Augmented, Mixed and Virtual Reality

Marketers and advertisers today might either be relieved or dismayed to find out that there are two relatively new terms they should get friendly with – visual search and augmented reality.
Visual search refers to image recognition technology that allows the user to find out more about a certain photographed item, among other things.
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Visual search, augmented reality: The next frontier for brands
Augmented reality (AR) is “a technology that superimposes a computer-generated image on a user’s view of the real world, thus providing a composite view” as defined by the Oxford Dictionary.
The two often go hand in hand.
“In today’s gadget-cluttered world, one key aspect in ensuring the success of new consumer-facing technologies is the seamless integration of such functions into their digital lives,” says Niamh Byrne, COO, iQNECT.
The technology company uses visual search and augmented reality to help brands interact with their fans.
She explains that visual search has seen a quicker adoption rate amongst marketing campaigns in Asia, and that both publishers and advertisers have shown great interest in visual search’s ability to connect the offline and online content of brands as well as m-commerce capabilities.
For example, with iQNECT’s ‘point-snap-pay’ feature, consumers can be brought instantly from the advertisements of products they are interested in to virtual checkout counters to buy said items.
There are also many other campaigns, including one organised by Singapore Post, the country’s national postal carrier, where stamps with augmented reality features were launched, and an augmented reality bus shelter campaign for HSBC in Hong Kong.
There is also an international park dedicated to augmented reality and the companies that use the technology in Xi’an China.
“However, when it comes to the advertising industry in Asia, augmented reality is a surprisingly nascent technology, with the advertising campaigns that have taken advantage of AR so far being fairly experimental in nature,” says Byrne.
See on – Augmented World