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The wearable technology field is continuing to heat up with more and more companies entering it. One of those companies happens to be Epson, who has already made a foray into the world of smart glasses with the Moverio BT-100 smart glasses. Now Epson’s back with the Moverio BT-200 smart glasses, a new and improved version of its smart glasses. You probably haven’t heard of them so let’s rundown some of their highlights.


augmented world‘s insight:

The BT-200s feature a full projected display that spans across both lenses, as well as a variety of sensors and a front-facing camera for motion tracking and augmented reality applications. The glasses are also 60% lighter than their predecessor and are also smaller, for improved comfort. Nonetheless, they still look quite nerdy to wear. But what these glasses have over many competitors is that they’re not only able to project over your entire vision, but they also have inserts for different shading, as with sunglasses, and inserts for prescription lenses.

While they’re obviously not for everyone, the BT-200s pack a lot of function. One of the downsides is that they do require the included controller for full functionality. Good news is that these glasses are less than half the price of Google Glass, at just $699. If you’re okay with having a separate control unit and not having the sleekest look, these could be an interesting option. Hit up the source link for more info and purchasing.

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