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Better interface integration will keep players engaged, says Oculus

Virtual reality will bring a higher level of immersion to games by making user interfaces near seamless, says one of the team members behind upcoming VR headset, Oculus Rift.

augmented world‘s insight:

Nate Mitchell, vice president of product at Oculus VR, knows that UI is going to be a major factor for developers, and users, to get used to when using its upcoming headset. But he believes that VR is the starting ramp toward Minority Report-style technologies and interfaces of the future.

“I don’t think we’ll see UI disappear, but it will become far more integrated into a gameworld,” Mitchell told Develop.

“What we’re already seeing is that a lot of developers are pursuing that type of experience, because it is more immersive, and more effective in not seeing the player be taken out of a game experience to use interfaces.

“Rather than have those ammo-counts floating in space, and being reminded you’re in a game, with VR UI a player can keep moving through the world, just glancing down in-game to see their remaining ammunition.”

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